Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Damages in Maryland Personal Injury

Personal injury damages in Maryland are broken down into Special (economic) and General (non economic) damages. Special Damages include, but are not limited to: Medical Expenses (past, present and future); Travel Cost; Lost Wages (past, present and future); Lost Earning Capacity; Loss of Vocation; and Loss of Services. General Damages include but are not limited to: Pain and Suffering; Disfigurement; Loss Capacity to Enjoy Life, Pre-Impact Freight and Loss of Consortium. Damages must be proven by a preponderance of the evidence (more likely then not the damage occurred). The jury can consider pre-injury health and post injury health as well as permanent conditions, pain and suffering and impact on activities. Damages Are Outlined As Follows: Pre-Impact Freight Past Pain and Suffering Present Pain and Suffering Future Pain and Suffering Past Medical Bills Present Medical Bills Future Medical Bills Past Lost Wages Present Lost Wages Future Lost Wages Loss Earning Capacity Diminished Earning Capacity Loss Enjoyment of Activities Loss Of Consortium Prescription Cost Travel Mileage

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Accident Lawyer in Maryland Boulivard Rule

In Maryland personal injury cases the Boulevard Rule referrers to those circumstances where one driver deprives the other of the, favored drivers, right of way. The purpose of the rule is to expedite the flow of traffic by allowing the favored driver to pass without slowing for the un favored driver. The rule applies until the un favored driver becomes part of the flow of traffic. If the un favored driver is found to have violated the rule he/she is found to be negligent as a matter of law. The rule however, does not apply if the favored driver is operating his vehicle unlawfully. If you have any questions regarding Maryland personal injury accidents, please feel free to call my office we will discuss your case over the phone at no cost to you. 1-888-760-7339.